Commercial Roof Cleaning

Many businesses forget to have their roofs cleaned on a regular basis. However, regular roof cleaning is very important. A clean roof not only looks better, but it is also more energy efficient. This can actually help businesses save money on their electric bill. A clean, well-maintained roof will also last longer. In fact, a…

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Keep the Environment Healthy and Your Building Sparkling

At Rose City Pressure Washing, we are committed to keeping your property spotless and beautiful. Over the years, a thin film of dirt, grime, debris, bacteria, mold, mildew, moss, fungi or algae accumulates on every constructed surface, no matter the material. Maybe your siding or brick storefront has become discolored, your awning is streaked with…

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Commercial Buildings: Keeping them Clean

In the business world, success comes down to sales. So then, a company owner might ask, how can sales truly be made? Well, there are a variety of factors, but one of the most important is presentation. People want to have confidence in the products they’re investing money into, and that’s not something you get…

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Is Your Store Front Tourism Season Ready?

Tourism is the top industry in Oregon, and the Portland area has the largest piece of the pie. With tourists spending close to $4 billion in the Portland metro area annually, it’s important to make sure your storefront is ready. Though your loyal customers might not care how your shop looks, tourists who are only…

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Protect Your Business – Erase Graffiti Immediately

When your business gets hit with graffiti it hurts – in more ways than one. First there is the emotional pain and reaction to seeing your business vandalized. Secondly there is the effect on your business. The presence of graffiti on your commercial building or storefront contributes to a decrease in retail sales as customers…

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Awning Cleaning – Maintaining A Warm Welcome

When you look at pictures of old time storefronts it seems as if they all had awnings, and for good reason. Awnings have a way of transforming a regular storefront into a warm and inviting place, something about their old world charm that really draws people. But there is also function that goes along with…

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Trash Enclosure & Equipment Cleaning

In a busy business environment it is easy to let some things slip by the wayside. In the minds of some business owners the cleaning of trash enclosures, trash compactors and their accessories is often a distant afterthought. Something that they may get around to if there is nothing else to do, yet trash enclosures…

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Commercial Concrete Cleaning Portland OR

Concrete is one of the most common materials used at any commercial building. From the sidewalks that customers walk on, the parking lots they park in, to warehouse floors concrete can fill a variety of roles. This versatile material has a lot of advantages but there is one undesirable property that concrete has that can…

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Does Your Store Front Have Eye Appeal?

In today’s ultra-competitive business environment it is more important than ever to make a deep and lasting first impression on every customer that sees your business. For many potential customers the seeing a clean and inviting store front may make the difference between doing business with your company or moving on down the road. That…

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Choosing A Good Commercial Pressure Washer In Portland OR

One of the best ways to improve the “curb appeal” of your commercial building and retain the maximum property value is to keep buildings, driveways and parking lots clean. Dirt, grime and even mold will breakdown and reduce the life of certain building materials resulting in costly repairs. Power washing is the undisputed champ when…

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