Awning Cleaning – Maintaining A Warm Welcome

When you look at pictures of old time storefronts it seems as if they all had awnings, and for good reason. Awnings have a way of transforming a regular storefront into a warm and inviting place, something about their old world charm that really draws people. But there is also function that goes along with…

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Trash Enclosure & Equipment Cleaning

In a busy business environment it is easy to let some things slip by the wayside. In the minds of some business owners the cleaning of trash enclosures, trash compactors and their accessories is often a distant afterthought. Something that they may get around to if there is nothing else to do, yet trash enclosures…

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Choosing A Good Commercial Pressure Washer In Portland OR

One of the best ways to improve the “curb appeal” of your commercial building and retain the maximum property value is to keep buildings, driveways and parking lots clean. Dirt, grime and even mold will breakdown and reduce the life of certain building materials resulting in costly repairs. Power washing is the undisputed champ when…

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Give Your Business A “Curb Appeal” Makeover

One of the best ways to attract walk-in traffic is to increase the “curb appeal” of your building. This generally involves keeping the building, driveways, sidewalks, entryways and parking lots clean and inviting looking. As a business owner, you know that is easier said than done. Most business owners in the Portland OR area recognize…

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Drive Thru Pressure Washing

Most people equate a drive thru with fast food. It’s understandable, fast food restaurants are what made the drive thru famous. The truth of the matter is that in today’s world there are many businesses that may employ the use of a drive thru such as dry cleaners, banks and convenience stores just to name…

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Graffiti Removal

Graffiti is described as an artistic expression or decoration that is inscribed on either rocks or walls.  Sadly, this artistic expression often plagues many of the walls of our businesses and streets, regardless whether you live in the metropolitan areas, suburbs, or rural areas.  There are many communities that actively hire professional pressure washers to…

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Commercial Surface Cleaning – 3 Reasons Why It’s A Good Idea

Commercial surfaces can be some of the most neglected areas when it comes to pressure washing. Some people feel that, since these areas are so heavily trafficked, there is no use in trying to keep up with cleaning. Some reason that a person is going to do business with their company whether or not the…

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Who Wants To Clean The Trash Enclosure?

Let’s face it. The trash enclosures of many commercial buildings or properties are well….only fit for trash. Trash enclosures are usually the nastiest part of any commercial property. People typically only endure the horrors of the enclosure just long enough to toss whatever garbage they need to dispose of and run away….sometimes screaming! But is…

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Is Pressure Washing A Part of Your Regular Commercial Maintenance?

Spend A Little, Save A Lot Virtually all commercial organizations recognize the value and benefit of regularly scheduled commercial pressure washing services. Keeping your retail building or store front clean and tidy sets the tone for the type of experience your customers can expect once inside. But, did you know that commercial pressure washing, as…

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